Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rogers Cable Internet and JavaScript Injection

This post was formerly entitled: Rogers Cable Internet and DPI - the subject of the post is really JavaScript Injection so the title has been changed.

Below is the Injected JavaScript page that Rogers Cable generates to inform you that you have reached a certain level of Internet usage.

Along with monitoring your overall Internet usage Rogers use DPI to further determine the nature of your activity. They could, especially if mandated by the government, block ALL internet access unless you agree to some terms or refrain from certain activities.

These activities could include the downloading of files from a P2P (file sharing) service. It is likely that the demand is being made in response to a RIAA/MPAA email that they have received and have been requested that they take the following action:

Since you own this IP address (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX), we request that you immediately do the following:

  1. Remove or disable access to the individual who has engaged in the conduct described above; and
  2. Take appropriate action against the account holder under your Abuse Policy/Terms of Service Agreement.

In the example shown here (the usage warning from Rogers) is a lesser version of what the ISPs are capable of. I have been informed of a Time Warner Cable subscriber having a similar message displayed that would not go away (and any other Internet access was blocked) unless they agreed to cease the activity of downloading a copyright protected movie.

While the Muse recognizes that the copyright holders are within their rights to protect their interests - using methods such as this are a "Thin end of a wedge" that threatens the whole concept of Network Neutrality.

Parting notes:
The message can be suppressed by turning off JavaScript in your browser (it is not known if this would restore your Internet access)
And, the Rogers message shown above does NOT mean that your Internet access will be, or is about to be, restricted. In my case the maximum that they charge me for usage over the 100% of my monthly allotment is only up to $25. This means I can happly go to 200 or 300% of my allowance!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I to am concerned that Rogers are using DPI to inspect our Internet activity.

Most are unaware what DPI is and what your ISP can tell about your Internet activities.

Thanks for posting on the subject.