Wednesday, December 1, 2010

IPv6 and Windows 7

Yes it is featured in Windows 7 (IPv6 that is) but it is not yet implemented as far as the "Outside World" is concerned. - or is it?

The effects of the existence of ipv6 on the operation of services such as BTGuard are irrelevant. (with respect to un-checking it or disabling IPv6 Connectivity)

For those of you who use BTGuard and have still been caught I suggest you check into that, as IPv6 can still attach or embed your true IP address in outgoing packets.

What???? Who says that anyone has been caught?

All I can say is that the monitoring of server logs in the days when IPv6 is the norm will be a lot of fun. Most "governing" and "surveilling" agencies have a tough enough time with IPv4.

And, who can make such dogmatic statements as the IPv6 is a reason for something working or not? It looks suspicious to me so the original post has been removed (from the TorrentFreak forum). I do not need to provide a platform for such nonsense - I can provide that myself! (and only I can remove/edit posts etc that do not tow the company line).


1 comment:

Leeds said...

why disable ipv6 for btguard