Thursday, March 1, 2012

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

First of all, the PIPEDA is an Act not a Government Agency. That means you cannot inform the PIPEDA. If you have a dispute with a person or an organization then you would have to mount an independent case with the government agency that administers the PIPEDA.
You cannot inform an act.

The PIPEDA ........ generally does not apply to non-commercial organizations - I am not, and nor was my website, a commercial entity or organization - therefore the PIPEDA is not applicable.

I am a private citizen and my website represented my views on things.
There has never been  a commercial reason for the website's existence. My website was privately administered and was not associated with a business or corporation.

Previously I WAS the director of an incorporated company, although some of my thoughts on incorporation were detailed on my website this should not be taken as an indication of my business status.

I have long since dissolved the corporation and the corporation was in a different name to my on-line persona.

The Privacy Act took effect on July 1, 1983. This Act imposes obligations on some 250 federal government departments and agencies to respect privacy rights by limiting the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. The Privacy Act gives individuals the right to access and request correction of personal information about themselves held by these federal government organizations.

I am also NOT a government department or agency - The PIPEDA does not apply to me and my activities.

What the PIPEDA does set-out for applicable entities:

An organization may collect, use or disclose personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider are appropriate in the circumstances. 

The information is collected......
7 1 (c) the collection is solely for journalistic, artistic or literary purposes; 

The information is/can be used........
7 2 (b) it is used for the purpose of acting in respect of an emergency that threatens the life, health or security of an individual; 


Having your home address known by the wider public does not threaten your life, health or security unless you have something to hide.

I believe that I was collecting information in a (citizen) journalist manner. Not that the PIPEDA has any bearing on this.

Intimidation is a threat to security.


A Hypocrite said...

Exaсtlу what is ann excellent resource
for starting wеbԁеsіgners?

Take a look at my homepage; the bеGinnеr'ѕ guide tо not lооking likе a wordpress bеginnеr

UK Musings said...


I find it amusing that you post about: "5 wауѕ tо inсrеаѕе trаffiс tо your blоg" - the 4th point was: "Pоѕt in forums Post in fоrumѕ, but dоn't ѕраm them." - this is exactly what you have just done!

I don't suppose that you return to blogs and forums where you place links to your Internet postings, but it is a fruitless pursuit.