Friday, April 13, 2012

What a Nameserver is and what it does

When an Internet user makes a request for a website the request is passed by your ISP over the Internet backbone to all the Nameservers that are connected to it. The Nameserver that contains (I am not going to use the word "host" here as that could mean something else) the information about the site you are trying to reach then resolves the URL into the IP address of the website that is requested along with the page that was requested.

The information that allows the resolution of a Domain Name to an IP address is stored in a Zone File. This Zone File is maintained by an entity that runs the Name Server.

This is not necessarily the same as the description of how Google say that you can point your domain name to a Blogger Blog.
The setting of the CNAME to and then setting the A records to the 4 servers specified by Google.
Also the TTL (Time to Live) setting is 3600 on the Google instructions.

However, what I do know is that I had a working website  by using ZoneEdit and setting Name Servers there. My registrar of my domain name does not allow me to assign CNAME referrals on their configuration screens.

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